A unique meme token with a strong and fun community.
Solabrador (SOLAB) is the new dog in town, we're created on Solana which enables the quickest and cheapest transactions on any blockchain. You can use SOLAB for anything, the possibilities are endless.
Token Information
Solab Coin


Our Project

Solabrador began as an idea that everyone should be able to get in on this new and immersive technology that is cryptocurrency and the barrier for entry shouldn't be high. There are a lot of meme tokens around the blockchain and most of them are very expensive to buy, transfer or even sell.

Since SOLAB is created on Solana — a blockchain as affordable as it is fast — you can transfer and receive it for just $0.00025. We believe this is the recipe for success when talking about bringing new people into cryptocurrency.

Weekly Holder Airdrop

Once a week at a random time we take snapshots based on amount of SOLAB's being held in your wallet and airdrop additional SOLAB to you. There are 5 tiers based on amount of Solab in your wallet See details

Daily Giveaway

Solab holders have the opportunity to get 25,000 $SOLAB everyday by join the daily solab giveaway in our discord

Solab Introducing Solab Holder Tier List
Solabrador Bronze Tier

62,500 SOLAB will earn you the title Bronze Solabradorian

Being in this tier makes you eligible for 2,500 SOLAB weekly.

Solabrador silver Tier

125,000 SOLAB will earn you the title Silver Solabradorian

Being in this tier makes you eligible for 5,000 SOLAB weekly.

Solabrador gold Tier

250,000 SOLAB will earn you the title Gold Solabradorian

Being in this tier makes you eligible for 10,000 SOLAB weekly.

Solabrador platinum Tier

500,000 SOLAB will earn you the title Platinum Solabradorian

Being in this tier makes you eligible for 20,000 SOLAB weekly.

Solabrador diamond Tier

1,000,000 SOLAB will earn you the title Diamond Solabradorian

Being in this tier makes you eligible for 50,000 SOLAB weekly

Solabrador Charity Campaign
Solabrador will donate a fixed amount of $SOLAB to charity through The giving block when we reach certain market cap milestones, with 5 million increments.

Solabrador reaches 5 million market cap.

We donate 500,000 SOLAB to charity.

Solabrador reaches 10 million market cap.

We donate 500,000 SOLAB to charity.

Solabrador reaches 15 million market cap.

We donate 500,000 SOLAB to charity.

Solabrador reaches 20 million market cap.

We donate 500,000 SOLAB to charity.

Quick Start Guide


Create Sollet wallet for Mobile or Phantom wallet for PC

Create a Sollet wallet if you are using mobile or a Phantom wallet using a desktop computer. That will allow you to buy, sell, send, and receive SOLAB.


Send USDC to your wallet

You can buy USDC on any supported exchange, we recommend FTX. Just make sure you have a bit of SOL in your wallet aswell for the small network fees.


Connect your wallet to Raydium or another DEX

Access your wallet to Raydium by clicking ‘Connect to a wallet’ and selecting Phantom.



You can start swapping as soon as you have USDC available! Press ‘Select a token’ and enter the token address or search for it on the tokens list.

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